Global education for every child
in need

Our causes

We help more than 23k children every year

About us

What we are doing

About us

What we are doing

We’ve been giving children around the world a healthy start in life and the opportunity to learn. We do whatever it takes to save children, transforming their lives and the future we share.


We’ve funded projects for


children around the world

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Funds Raised
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Il messaggio del Presidente

Carissimi Amici e Benefattori,se siete arrivati fin qui è perché ci avete dato fiducia.Avete creduto in noi e vi apprestate a condividere questa esperienza

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Totale donazione: 10,00€


Be the change for one child:


Hello, my name is Michael and I am 7 years old and I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.


Hello, my name is Isaiah and I am 12 years old and I want to be a doctor when I grow up.


Hello, my name is Samantha and I am 6 years old and I want to be a ballet dancer when I grow up.